If you want to cancel your policy, please complete the “Contact Us” form below. Please note, if cancellation takes place after 14 days, you’ll be charged for the time you have been on cover plus a cancellation fee, as detailed in your policy documents.
What if I paid in full?
If you paid for an annual policy in full, we’ll send you a refund minus the above amounts. Please be aware, however, if you’ve made a claim, or someone has claimed against you, you may not be entitled to a refund.
If you have had an accident, please remain calm and find somewhere safe to call us on 0345 092 0700. It's your responsibility to inform us if you have had an accident within 24 hours. For further information, you can visit our "Make a Claim" page or visit this article. There is also information relating to a claim on our Customer Portal.
Making changes
To make changes to your policy, log into "My Account" from your device and select "Update My Details". You can do this by logging into the Customer Portal via the "Existing Customer" button at the top of this website. There may, however, be an additional premium, depending on your new address. For example, changing your vehicle’s overnight location, vehicle use, level of cover, etc. can impact the overall cost of your annual premium.
To update your email address, please use the appropriate section on the 'Contact Us' form, below.
To make a change to your Registration Plate, please use this form.
No Claims Discount
We will email this to you upon request or at the end of your policy term. If you don’t receive notification of your No Claims Discount in a few days, please contact us using the online chat facility or via the “Contact Us” form on the website, below.
If you've missed a payment, or need to make any kind of payment, you can do this easily by clicking this link.
Logging in
Once you have registered for our portal, you are ready to log in. Input your email address, and password, and all your details will be at your fingertips. As we are an online-only service, you will be able to get in touch and make any changes required through the “My Account” function of the online Portal.
Further Portal logins can be made easily by clicking the “Existing Customer” button at the top-right of this website.
New policy
To purchase a new policy, click here. When you've acquired a new policy, you will receive an email with your login details; using these, you can log in to Portal at any time to make changes, view documents, and make outstanding payments.
Auto Renewal Opt In
Please fill in the 'Contact Us' form below and select the 'Auto renewal opt in' option under 'Reason'.
Make a Complaint
Please fill in the 'Contact Us' form below and select the 'Make a complaint' option under 'Reason'.